Did you know that the City of Aurora is currently “evaluating a proposed new reservoir located in Park County”?
The proposed Wild Horse Reservoir would be located South of Hwy 24 and West of CO Rd 9 in Hartsel, CO. According to the City of Aurora’s website “The reservoir would be filled with water Aurora currently transports through the Otero pipeline. It would then travel to Spinney Mountain Reservoir before making its way to Aurora.”
What’s next
“Currently, Aurora Water is in the planning stages and evaluating the size of the reservoir to prepare for the permitting and environmental reviews needed to advance the project. While a large portion of the land needed for the reservoir has already been purchased, additional undeveloped land will be acquired as needed. We are committed to working with property owners in a fair and consistent manner.”
For more information, vist https://www.auroragov.org/residents/water/wild_horse_reservoir or contact the City of Aurora at WildHorseReservoir@auroragov.org